Gau-Bickelheim, Germany

Gau-Bickelheim is a municipality in Landkreis Alzey-Worms in Rheinland-Pfalz in Germany with a population of approximately 2,170 people.

Facts and figures on Gau-Bickelheim at a glance

Region name: Gau-Bickelheim (Gau-Bickelheim)
Status: Municipality
Population: 2,170 people
Region name (Level 2): Landkreis Alzey-Worms Landkreis Alzey-Worms
Region name (Level 1): Rheinland-Pfalz Rheinland-Pfalz
Country: Germany
Continent: Europe

The regional headquarters of the municipality Gau-Bickelheim (Gau-Bickelheim) is located in Gau-Bickelheim (Gau-Bickelheim) with a population of 2,122 people. The distance as the crow flies from Gau-Bickelheim to Germany's capital Berlin (Berlin) is approximately 481 km (299 mi).

Facts and figures on Gau-Bickelheim
MunicipalityPopulationRegional headquartersPopulation
Gau-Bickelheim Gau-Bickelheim2,170 peopleGau-Bickelheim


2,122 people

Compare with other municipalities in Landkreis Alzey-Worms.

Map of Gau-Bickelheim

Map of Gau-Bickelheim

Information on Gau-Bickelheim

Information on Gau-Bickelheim
Municipality nameRegion name Level 2Region name Level 1CountryContinent
Gau-Bickelheim Gau-BickelheimLandkreis Alzey-Worms Landkreis Alzey-WormsRheinland-Pfalz Rheinland-PfalzGermanyEurope

Time in Gau-Bickelheim

Time in Gau-Bickelheim
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Wed, 1 May 2024 - 9:52pm (21:52h)In effect (+1 hour)Wed, 1 May 2024 - 8:52pm (20:52h)GMT UTC +2.0Europe/Berlin

Geographic coordinates of Gau-Bickelheim

Latitude & Longitude of Gau-Bickelheim
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map49°50'07.1"N (49.8353000°)8°01'14.0"E (8.0205600°)

External sources of information on Gau-Bickelheim

Gau-Bickelheim on Wikipedia